Material and Methods: An electronic search was done between July 2000 and July 2021 in French and English in the following electronic databases: Google Scholar, Cochrane, Scopus, Altavista, Medline. A manual search was performed on the following top most-cited endodontic journals: Journal of Endodontics, International Endodontic Journal, Journal of the American Dental Association, and Dental Traumatology. This research was done according to the PICO model using several specific keywords and search equations. Two investigators selected the responses, which met the selection criteria. We included in this review only randomized trials, cohorts, case controls, original prospective and retrospective human studies. We excluded clinical case reports, opinion pieces, studies in temporary teeth and animal studies.
Results: We identified an initial total of 3132 bibliographic references on the databases consulted. After critical reading and elimination of irrelevant articles, we definitively retained that 19 publications were interested in the analysis of the factors influencing the removal of fractured endodontic instruments, 3 articles were interested in the removal of separated fragments in depending on the location of the fragment, 5 reviews were interested in the removal of fragments depending on the degree of the curvature of canal, 2 publications reported results in the length of the fragment, 9 articles were interested in the analysis of the removal of fractured instruments from the root canal according to the technique and instrument used.
Conclusions: The location of the fractured instruments and the shape of the root canal influence the success of fragments removal from root canals. Ultrasonics under an operating microscope is an effective method for the removal of these fractured instruments. Certain clinical recommendations have been made to facilitate the removal of fractured instruments.
Keys word : Fractured instrument; Instrument removal; Operating microscope; Ultrasonics; Endodontics; Systematic review.